New Posting Schedule?

Friday, November 21, 2014
Sorry for no title pic, didn't think it was needed :) I know I haven't posted in awhile, and for that I am sorry. I didn't really know what to write about.
I realized that even though I talked about how I had written stories in the past, I never really went further on about it. Anyway, I thought of a nice schedule of things to post on days!
Warning: I might break the schedule D:

Story Sundays: This may include a story I write myself (Fiction, etc.) or a story from my life.
Mondays: I probably either won't post on Monday or just do anything I feel like doing.
Discussion Tuesdays: This may include a review, opinion, etc.
Wednesdays: Same thing with Mondays, basically just do whatever I want :)
Story/Tutorial Thursdays: A normally come back from my Wednesday nights with lots of stories, so if I do I will share those the next day, but if nothing really happens that week I'll try to do a tutorial :3
Fridays: Same with Wednesdays and Mondays :D
Saturdays: I probably won't likely ever really post on Saturdays. I'm fairly busy then :c

So yeaah... that's about it. See ya on Sunday!

- Sophie ☺


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